In Poland grants and loans for assisting students in their academic studies are provided by the government-owned bank, universities and credit unions. The terms offered for accessing these financial aid sources are different and students are required to observe and follow different procedures for obtaining and reimbursing them. Loans are also available to non-EU citizens.
Three main types of grants can be identified for academic education in Poland:
The foundation provides grants for students interested in the science field and who wish to conduct research at Polish universities and institutes.
A total of 10 Polish government grants are also available in the Arts and Sciences but they attach a condition that the applicant is well versed in the Polish language and an outstanding academic record.
This organization is an affiliate of the Polish American Congress that offers scholarships to 2 members every year. Its largest grant involves an award of 15.000 € the applicants have been adjudicated by a panel of judges for selecting the outstanding candidate to be awarded the grant.
Three main types of loans for augmenting finances for academic education are also discernible for Poland
Loans for university students studying in Poland is offered by the country’s only owned bank. It makes loans available to students are very low interest rates and also makes credit amortizations available to selected students who are in real need of financial support for their studies. The amortization accords students a lower amount to pay at the end of the loan period. It works in consort with 9 other commercial banks to provide preferential credits to students.
Sometimes banks in Poland also operate as credit unions also operate as credit unions and makes loans available to students. In Poland, credit unions often form an entity that offers loans at very low interest rates along with other very attractive terms for borrowers. Credit unions offer real help students and families meet their financial commitments.
Universities across Poland also provide financial assistants in the form of grants especially to post graduate students and research students and may also provide grants for travel allowance for students travelling in from outside the EU.
The thin line between a scholarship and a grant is that a grant is awarded for spending on a specific purpose such as post graduate studies or research to be undertaken at a particular institute of higher learning in Poland or for travelling expenses. In some cases, an applicant for a grant has to be a very outstanding candidate. The applicant must also show acumen in the Polish language and must possess exceptional skills in the particular research field embarked upon.
In Poland, loans are easily available from the various credit unions, banks or loan companies that deal in making loans available. By virtue of their trade, loan companies and agencies offer attractive terms for students to borrow from them rather that dwell on conditions of the loan other than the borrower’s ability to pay back the loan.
In Poland, grants are awarded by the government to international students for undertaking academic studies in the country. There are three main grants made available to foreign students:
The typical grants that are available in Poland are offered by the government especially in the field of science, universities themselves and international entities that have working agreements with Poland.