Several Gibbs Prizes are available to students at the University of Oxford. They vary in amount from discipline to discipline. The criteria for getting each prize are also different. They all reward the best student in each discipline as judged by a particular measure. Up to £150 is available for archaeology students, £450 for biochemistry students, £500 for biological sciences students, £500 for chemistry students, £450 for classics students, £150 for computer science students, £400 for earth sciences students, £150 for economics students, £500 for engineering science, £130 for English language & literature students, £200 for fine art students, £450 for geography students, £100 for human science students, £800 for law students, £400 for materials students, £250 for mathematics students, £500 for language students, £233 for oriental studies students, £100 for philosophy students, £400 for physics students, £250 for physiological science students, £450 for politics students, £175 for psychology students, £200 for statistics students, and £275 for theology students.
All candidates must be on a relevant course at Oxford University. The must not have gone past their 12th term of matriculation. The specific requirement for each prize varies. Most are given to the top performer or performers in particular examinations.