Grant / loan for studying at your home university

University of Bradford - Access to Learning Fund (ALF)

General information on this grant / loan

University of Bradford
Access to Learning Fund (ALF)

General Description

The Access to Learning Fund (ALF), funded by the UK Government, is available to undergraduate and postgraduate Home students. Students are eligible if they have already applied for and availed themselves of other grants and financial support. The award may be given as a loan repayable to the University, or as a grant with no obligation to repay. The fund can be used to pay for living and course-related costs for full time students, or to pay for tuition fees for part time students.


Applicants must be full time or part time Home students on undergraduate or postgraduate programmes. Applicants must have already applied for other grants and support available before applying. Although not strictly a requirement, certain groups of students have priority access to the ALF, students with children, students with disabilities or from low-income families, care leavers and students from Foyers, mature students with financial commitments, final year students and part time students already on full support.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply:
Not Specified