Grant / loan for studying abroad

Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ) - "Tremplin Langues" Programme

General information on this grant / loan

Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ)
"Tremplin Langues" Programme
Eligible countries: 
All countries are eligible
Other limitation: 
Place of main residence: Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium

General Description

The "Tremplin Langues" Programme provides funding for young people wishing to learn a language or improve their language skills by volunteering abroad. The grant consists of a flat rate stipend of €150 per week. All applicants meeting the eligibility criteria will receive funding.


You are aged 18 to 30, a student or job seeker and you live in Wallonia and Brussels. You should be learning a European language in a European country. Exceptionally, other countries are permitted if the language you want to learn is not spoken in Europe.

Application deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time.