Scholarship for studying at your home university

Riksbyggens Tercentenary Foundation  - Riksbyggens Jubilee Fund

General information on this scholarship

Riksbyggens Tercentenary Foundation 
Riksbyggens Jubilee Fund

General Description

The goal of Riksbyggens Jubilee Fund "The Good City" is to support research, development and education leading to a better living environment in areas such as architecture, engineering, real estate, energy supply, environmental care and society /transport planning. The projects that it supports must be directly related to housing and urban issues. It is possible to apply for the scholarship two two years in a row to allow for a longer continuous working, for example for a Licentiate. You can apply alone or as a group, individually or via your instituton.


Applications must include a description of the project in maximum four A4 pages. Describe the topic, purpose, working method and schedule, as well as a budget for the project. Also include a CV with previous experience, education, references and data on which institution the research is conducted.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.