Scholarship for studying abroad

Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg/Sweden) - The Sievert Larsson Scholarship Fund

General information on this scholarship

Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg/Sweden)
The Sievert Larsson Scholarship Fund
Eligible countries: 

General Description

Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg/Sweden) is offering scholarships from The Sievert Larsson Scholarship Fund to all master students at Chalmers University of Technology, who seek funding for travel studies to Thailand.


All master students at Chalmers University of Technology, who seek funding for travel studies to Thailand, are welcome to apply for this scholarship. Applicants are required to include a personal letter including a description of your financial situation in their application, which will be used in the sorting of applicants by needs and academic merit.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: