Scholarship for studying at your home university

University of Ferrara (Ferrara/Italy) - Scholarship "Folco Fano"

General information on this scholarship

University of Ferrara (Ferrara/Italy)
Scholarship "Folco Fano"
Other limitation: 
the student must be born in Ferrara city, or in the province of Ferrara

General Description

The University of Ferrara awards a Scholarship to one student enrolled in the Medicine and Surgery Department. The award has been established by Prof. Emilio Fano in memory of his son Folco. The award is worth 655.45 EUR.


Candidates should be enrolled in the Medicine and Surgery Department. They should be born in Ferrara or in the Province of Ferrara. Additionally, their ISPE and ISEE Economic Indicators should show a low income. The Academic performance will also be taken into consideration. However, in the case of two candidates with a similar Academic performance, the student with the lower income will be preferred.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: