Scholarship for studying at your home university

Arts and Humanities Research Council - AHRC funding for UK/EU Arts and Humanities research students

General information on this scholarship

Arts and Humanities Research Council
AHRC funding for UK/EU Arts and Humanities research students

General Description

There are 410 PhD studentships awarded rom The Midlands3Cities over a period of five years for excellent research students in the Arts and Humanities. Studentship holders will be awarded with cross-institutional mentoring, expert supervision, subject specific and generic training in addition to professional support in preparing for their career. The research fields are Film and Television Studies, History, Critical Theory and Philosophy, French Language and Cultures, Global Studies, Art and Design, Media, Culture and Communication, Heritage Studies, English (Literature, Language and Linguistics), European Studies and Digital Humanities.


Only excellent research students in the Arts and Humanities can be eligible for the studentships.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: