The Emergency Loans from University Hardship Funds aims to support students facing short-term financial difficulty in addition to having problems with meeting the essential day to day living costs. The amount of the loan will be based on needs and will not exceed £250. The number of loans you can apply for at any 12 month period cannot be more than three ad the still outstanding previous loans may affect the ability of accessing further funds. For applying, please contact the Student Funding Office on 024 7615 0096. Then you can have an appointment in Senate House to discuss circumstances. Successful applicants will get the funds in cash and a repayment date will be given. It has to be repaid before your graduation or re-enrolment on next year’s course.
Full enrolled International or Home students experiencing short-term financial difficulty may be eligible for an emergency loan. They have to approve overdraft facility even before applying for the loan. In the interview, please bring your University ID card in addition to a mini-statement or internet banking printout stating the current balance at your bank account.