The “Corrado Faissola” scholarship, awarded by the University of Brescia and funded by UBI Bank, is awarded to a University of Brescia Master’s student in Money, Finance and Risk Management. This student must have already earned an undergraduate degree in Banking and Finance. The scholarship pays for a qualified student to attend Lubin Business School of Pace University in New York, where he or she can take courses toward a Master’s in Investment Management. The scholarship amounts to 36,000 euros, which covers the cost of tuition and living expenses abroad, and will last for 12 months. Half of the money will be paid to the student upon registration for the Master’s program at Pace University, and the other half will be paid in monthly installments beginning the first month of the program.
The scholarship recipient must be a University of Brescia’s Master’s student enrolled in the Money, Finance and Risk Management degree program. He or she must also have an undergraduate degree in Banking and Finance. In addition, he or she must pass the Toefl and the Gmat before being able to enroll at Pace University’s Lubin Business School.