Scholarship for studying abroad

University Carlo Cattaneo (Castellanza/Italy) - Scholarships "Famiglia Legnanese - Europe project"

General information on this scholarship

University Carlo Cattaneo (Castellanza/Italy)
Scholarships "Famiglia Legnanese - Europe project"
Eligible countries: 
European Union

General Description

The Legnanese Family Foundation awards scholarships worth 2,500 € each to Socrates/Erasmus students.


Students must be enrolled in the first year of the Economics or Engineering Postgraduate Courses at Carlo Cattaneo University - LIUC. They must have graduated at LIUC with a final Graduation mark equal or over 100/110. Students belonging to the second year of the Postgraduate Courses must have graduated with a final Graduation mark equal or over 100/110. In addition they must have obtained at least 40 credits. Fourth and fifth year Law Students may also be eligible, provided they have obtained respectively 160 and 220 credits.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: