The University of Cremona awards 5 Scholarships to students residing in the Councils of Bonemerse, Casteldidone, Cella Dati, Cingia de’ Botti, Gussola, Martignana Po, Motta Baluffi, Pieve d’Olmi, San Daniele Po, San Giovanni in Croce, San Martino del Lago, Scandolara Ravara, Solarolo Rainerio, Sospiro, Spineda, Stagno Lombardo e Torricella del Pizzo.
The student must be enrolled in the Engineering, Agronomy, Veterinary, Nutrition Sciencesor Geology of the University. They are required to have an average of marks equal or above 27/30. Students of other Courses may also be considered, but will not be preferred.