Scholarship for studying at your home university

School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh - Faculty Scholarships and Bursary Funds

General information on this scholarship

School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
Faculty Scholarships and Bursary Funds

General Description

The College of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Edinburgh offers PhD, MPhil and Masters’ scholarships. All awards are tenable for one year. PhD awards are renewable for the two subsequent years and subject to satisfactory progress. MPhil awards are renewable for one year. The previous scholarships are usually worth £3,500 for UK/EU students and £5,000 for overseas students. Masters awards are not renewable and are usually valued at £3,000 for home/EU students and £4,000 for overseas students.


These awards are available to PhD, MPhil and Masters’ degree students within the School of Divinity of the College of Humanities and Social Science.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: