The University of Sheffield is offering the International Strategic Alliance Scholarships. “Imagine”. is one of the University’s most strategic and exciting research investments that aim to change the way we develop and use super resolution microscopy, particularly applied to microbiology. A PhD project is available to study the cell biology of the major human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. The student will join a team using a combination of biological, chemical and physical approaches to understand how this important organism is able to grow and divide. The project will use a suite of novel probes coupled with state-of-the-art super resolution fluorescence microscopy to image S. aureus at the molecular level. Value: Full UK/EU/Overseas tuition fees, a stipend of EURO 17,350 per year, and a Research Training Support Grant for expenses related to their research, such as travel, conferences, books, consumables and equipment. Length: 3.5 years.
Awards are open to UK, EU and international applicants. Applicants must have, or expect to achieve, a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent. This should be in a relevant area (e.g. microbiology, biochemistry etc.); and should be applying to start their first year of study on a full-time PhD with the University.