The Cardiff Metropolitan University provides The Study First award in order to help their students with the day to day cost of studying at university. This award is worth over £1,000 per year, providing financial help toward accommodation, travel, food, books, photocopying, and other on-site expenses. Two versions of the award are available:
1. Study First Residential Package, includes: a contribution to accommodation costs for those living in halls/ rented accommodation; a free lunch package for each day of study; a free print and copying budget; a book voucher to help with book purchases.
2. Study First Non-Residential Package (for those living at home), includes: a university and city bus pass for the whole year of study; a free lunch package for each day of study; a free print and copying budget; a book voucher to help with book purchases.
Payment in subsequent year is subject to the successful progression onto the next year of study and will not be provided to anyone having to re-sit a whole year. Since this is not a cash award, the money will be credited to the Student ID card following the registration at the University, credited to student's accommodation provider and allocated against a Cardiff Met Rider bus pass automatically. The book voucher will come in the form of a voucher.
Candidate must be applying through UCAS as a new student entering the university for a full time course and have made Cardiff Metropolitan University as Firm Choice University on the UCAS application. The Household income needs to be less than £42,600k. Student must be registered with Student Finance Wales and give consent to share their household income details. Student must be domiciled in a Welsh Communities First area. The award application form must be completed in order to be considered for the award.