Scholarship for studying at your home university

University of Bristol - St Mary Redcliffe Church Organ Scholarship

General information on this scholarship

University of Bristol
St Mary Redcliffe Church Organ Scholarship

General Description

The University of Bristol offers Organ Scholarships for candidates with a strong interest in the musical and choral traditions of the Church of England. Grantees will receive an allowance of £900 per annum, paid in two instalments; this allowance will be awarded for a period of three years.


These scholarships are open to students enrolled at the University of Bristol. Applicants will be required to pass an examination consisting of an interview and a performance on the organ of a work by J.S. Bach and a piece of the student´s own choice (the two pieces must not go over 10 minutes). The examination will also include practical tests in sightreading, transposition, vocal score reading, and improvisation. Candidates may also be required to take a brief rehearsal with a choir and to accompany the ensemble in a short anthem. Successful scholars will have duties associated with the scholarship, such as the attendance to required events and rehearsals.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.