Scholarship for studying abroad

Centre National du Livre (France) - Travel bursary for foreign translators

General information on this scholarship

Centre National du Livre (France)
Travel bursary for foreign translators
Eligible countries: 

General Description

There is a travel bursary for foreign translators available from Centre National du Livre. The scholarship is intended to allow translators to spend time in France to complete a translation of French work into their own language for publication. Candidates must be translating work in a category supported by the CNL. €2000 per month will be provided for 1-3 months, or up to 6 months in exceptional cases.


Applicants must be translating work that is unfinished before they arrive in France. The work they are translating will be assessed and taken into account when making a decision.

Application deadlines

We currently do not have any information on the deadline.