Scholarship for studying abroad

ceiA3-Campus of International Excellence in Food and Agriculture - Call for applications for eidA3-ceiA3 grants for the preparation of co-supervised doctoral theses from foreign PHD students

General information on this scholarship

ceiA3-Campus of International Excellence in Food and Agriculture
Call for applications for eidA3-ceiA3 grants for the preparation of co-supervised doctoral theses from foreign PHD students
Eligible countries: 

General Description

The ceiA3 grants for the preparation of co-supervised doctoral theses from foreign PHD students have been made available by ceiA3. The grants are meant to help foreign PhD students conduct research at one of the ceiA3 Universities. The grants are for a stay of 6 months. There will be a total of 8 grants available. The grants value €1.060 per month, plus travel expenses up to €340. Next to that there will be a grant of up to €3.300 to cover other expenses.


. The stay at one of the ceiA3 Universities must be directly related to the foreign PhD student’s dissertation research. PhD students of universities outside Spain can apply. Applicants have to be in the second year of their PhD programme.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: