The DREAM Project is part of the Erasmus Mundus Programme and is funded by the European Commission. 20 Higher Education Institutes, 8 from Europe and 12 others from ACP countries, together with several associations are part of the project.
About 190 mobilities are expected to be part of the DREAM Project, improving institutional cooperation between any two HEIs that are part of the program so that academic and research cooperation can also be improved, as well.
ACP students in a Master mobility program benefit from 10 monthly scholarships of €1,000 each. Full Master students benefit from 24 monthly scholarships of the same amount. Doctorate mobility programs provide 10 monthly scholarships of €1,500 each. Academic and administrative staff can go from ACP countries to Europe and vice versa, as well. These scholarships are worth €2,500 each and they are awarded for a single month.
Individuals that are interested in applying for such a scholarship will have to undergo examination, where academic merit and experience, motivation, the work plan and the language skills are considered. Each of these are worth a different percentage towards the final grade, ranging from as low as 14% to as much as 43%.