Scholarship for studying at your home university

South Moravian for Mobility - Scholarship for skilled students

General information on this scholarship

South Moravian for Mobility
Scholarship for skilled students

General Description

All students of any university in Czech Republic are covered by a broad system of scholarships available at South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM). Its purpose is to equalize opportunities for talented students and to reward those who are successful in science and education. Scholarships are offered to full-time students and part-time, regardless of age, for a period of 10 months.


JCMM Scholarship for the best students is available to the top 10% students of each educational course, who additionaly: completed the educational year and confirmed this fact in the JCMM before the deadline (July 15), has an above average grade point score, does not have an conditional entry for the next semester. Students can apply for the JCMM Scholarship for the best students not earlier than after completing the first year of study.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: