Aristotle University each year, through the Department of Studies Scholarships: foreign-allogeneic students of Faculties / Departments for undergraduate and postgraduate studies (B & Gkyklou). The number of young people each year, scholarships and the amount of money monthly sponsorship determined by the Rector's Council, upon recommendation of the Committee on Studies. The awards are announced in the daily press and to inform stakeholders. Scholarships are granted for undergraduate students studying intermediate years (not freshmen) and can be renewed for as many years as the University provides legislation as a minimum age for attendance at each School / Department. Scholarships for postgraduate studies are divided into: a) two years to obtain a postgraduate degree in accordance with the graduate program specific to each Faculty / Department, b) three years of study for a doctoral thesis. The postgraduate scholarships are granted for one (1) year initially and may be renewed for two (2) to three (3) years in total.
Must be an undergraduate studying their intermediate year.