Scholarship for studying at your home university

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Programm für Studierende an Universitäten

General information on this scholarship

Programm für Studierende an Universitäten
Contact Person: 
Dr. Gabriele-Maria Ehrlich

General Description

The close to CSU Hanns-Seidel foundation takes on the financial and ideational promotion of students, freshman and educational residents of all subjects. Students who have outstanding education achievements and engage themselves in political, religious or social activities and who are in line with the personal goals of the foundation are considered. The amount of the scholarship is maximally 585€ including 150€ for book expenses per month. In addition students can get 50€ for their health and 9€ for their nursing care insurance. If the scholar is married or has kids he/she can also get various other grants ranging from 150€ if the spouse doesn’t earn more than 12.000€ a year or when he/she has children under 10 years of age. For the ideational promotion students get promotions for seminars and events for current topics in the fields of economy, politic, science and culture.


Students, freshman, educational residents and EU citizens who are not older than 32 years, have outstanding educational achievements and are socially, religiously or politically engaged are considered for the scholarship. Journalistic talented students can also get a co-op program. The application deadline is January 15th and July 15th for students at a University and May 15th and November 15th for students at a college.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: