The Ursula Lachnit-Fixson Foundation awards scholarships twice a year. The scholarship includes travel and printing costs to students of the humanities (especially history), religion and science. The Foundation aims to honor the work of Jewish people in German history, to maintain its scientific and cultural achievements as part of German heritage to promote the integration of Jewish citizens and to serve as a memorial to Jewish people in times of Nazi persecution. For 1988, the Foundation "New Synagogue Berlin - Centrum Judaicum" was founded. To achieve the objectives, the Foundation Ursula Lachnit-Fixson Foundation gives scholarships, travel grants and other grant awards (in exceptional cases printing costs) to young scientists for work on the history of Jews in Berlin and works in the interest of integration of Jewish citizens.
The scholarship is addressed to young researchers in the humanities (especially history), religion and the natural sciences. Scholarships and grants are awarded for work on the history of Jews in Berlin and other works in the interest of integration of Jewish citizens. There are no personal criteria.