The Klaus Murmann Study Foundation of the German Economy is one of the twelve nation-wide scholarship programmes for talented students. The support programme "Preparatory Course - Promotion" is aimed at German doctoral students and educational residents (pursuant to §8 of BaföG) of all subjects who study to become a teacher. The package includes a monthly cash grant of 1.050,00 EUR. Funding can be received for a maximum period of three years.
For this programme, all student teachers can apply. The application must be carried out at the beginning of the promotion. Support for final promotion only is not possible. For a successful application for this scholarship, above-average school and academic performance are required. In addition, community involvement (e. g. committee work at the college, participation in clubs or in a party, volunteering at church or in social institutions) must have been provided. Additionally, the Foundation of the German Economy attaches importance to the determination of the applicant in terms of career goal "Teaching".