General Description
The Libera Università Mediterranea of Casamassima offers scholarships to students residing in a municipality included in the operation area of the Nord Barese/Ofantina Employment and Development Consortium (Agenzia per l'Occupazione e lo Sviluppo nell'area Nord Barese/Ofantina). Recipients will be awarded an allowance of 2500 euro per academic year. Requirements
These scholarships are open to students of all disciplines registered at the Libera Università Mediterranea of Casamassima Applicants must be permanent residents of one of the following municipalities: Andria, Barletta, Bisceglie, Canosa di Puglia, Corato, Margherita di Savoia, Minervino, San Ferdinando, Spinazzola, Trani and Trinitapoli. .