General Description
The University of Nottingham offers the Deng Yaping Sports Scholarship to support Chinese athletes of world or national champion status who wish to study in the UK. For students of one year MA, MSc or LLM degrees, the scholarship would cover full tuition fees and a stipend worth £800 (currently about 1000 euro) per month; for undergraduate students, the scholarship would consist of an award of £5000 (currently about 6250 euro) per annum towards international tuition fees, and for students wishing to spend an undergraduate semester at the University of Nottingham, a one-off allowance worth £6000 (currently about 7500 euro) will be provided. Requirements
These scholarships are open to students who are athletes of world or national champion status. Students will have to be able to fulfill the academic requirements of the University of Nottingham to be considered for entry and they will then be assessed on their sporting capability; will be asked to represent the University of Nottingham in competitions, as well as national sporting competitions and events during the year. Applicants must be Chinese nationals. .