Scholarship for studying at your home university

Irish Tax Institute - Third-Level Scholarship Programme

General information on this scholarship

Irish Tax Institute
Third-Level Scholarship Programme

General Description

The Irish Tax institute Third-Level Scholarship Programme offers financial assistance to students who are eligible to remain in Ireland to complete a third-level undergraduate degree and AITI qualification. It is for those wishing to pursue a career in tax. The scholarship covers living and book expenses. The amount of the award is based on individual need as assessed by the Scholarship Committee. A mentor from the Irish Tax Institute is selected to give guidance to the successful students. The award lasts for the full undergraduate degree programme but is reassessed each year. It also covers the costs of the AITI Chartered Tax adviser qualification.


Applicants are recommended to the Irish Tax Institute by their guidance counsellor, principal or teacher. Successful candidates must score 450 points in the Leaving Certificate. They must also demonstrate financial need.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: