The Michael P. Mortell Scholarship in Applied Mathematics is awarded annually at University College Cork. Student who achieve 70% or more marks in the First Arts Examination in Applied Mathematics or in the First Science Examination in the Applied Mathematics. The scholarship is the be used only to pursue a BSc (Hons) Degree in which Applied Mathematics is one of the subjects with at least 25 credits in Second Year and at least 30 credits in ensuing years.The scholarship is valued at €1,000 per annum. It is normally tenable for the student's undergraduate career. The awarded student will receive equal payments at the end of each Teaching Period
To be eligible a student must achieve 70% or more marks in the First Arts Examination in Applied Mathematics or in the First Science Examination in the Applied Mathematics. The scholarship is the be used only to pursue a BSc (Hons) Degree in which Applied Mathematics is one of the subjects with at least 25 credits in Second Year and at least 30 credits in ensuing years. The student must also be eligible for the award of a University Scholarship.