Students that are interested in learning or performing research in Latvian universities can now benefit from the partnership established between Portuguese and Latvian higher education institutions, the University of the Azores being one of them. Summer schools are also available for Portuguese students. Scholarships offered for undergraduate or Masters students have a value of €500 per month, while PhD students can benefit from €670 per month.
Students that travel in Latvia have the option to receive accommodation in a guesthouse or in a dormitory, but they can also choose to rent an apartment. However, students should be aware that the scholarships are not designed to cover both accommodation costs and the tuition fee.
Students eligible for a scholarship must be enrolled with a university that is in agreement with Latvian universities or that offers scholarships to Latvian students, in order for a mutual exchange process to be promoted. Students that completed at least the first year of their studies are eligible for a Latvian scholarship.
Scholarships can be issued for as long as 10 months for undergraduate and Master students, while PhD students have 11 month of scholarship available.