Scholarship for studying at your home university

KAAD Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst - Stipendienprogramm 2 

General information on this scholarship

KAAD Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst
Stipendienprogramm 2 
Contact Person: 

General Description

The KAAD - Catholic Academic Exchange Service offers scholarships to two students from developing or emerging countries. Applications are open to all who come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America and already studying in Germany. The application must have the Catholic Student Community (KHG) or the Catholic Student Association (KSG) recommendation.


The promotion is aimed at students on a master's degree (application for this possible in the final semesters of the Bachelor), a diploma or master's degree program (application earliest want to perform after intermediate examination or bachelor's degree) or a PhD at a German university. Funding applicants who demonstrate above-average power potential for the study and research as well as church and community involvement and commitment to interreligious dialogue. The focus of study or research should be aimed at a permanent reintegration in the home region, otherwise the scholarship is considered loans. German language skills on level of communication is required. There are no personal criteria.

Application deadlines

The following deadlines apply: