Scholarships in Spain

Country: Spain

More information on scholarships in Spain

Scholarships in Spain

Profit from a scholarship in Spain
Compared to other European countries there is a limited supply of scholarships available to study in Spain. This is somewhat off-set by the relatively low level of both tuition fees and the cost of living. Under current austerity measures in Spain, students must pay 15 to 25% of the real cost of their studies, so full scholarships are not an option at this time.

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List of recently added funding options

Funding for your studies in Spain

IME Business School MBA Scholarships10000€ / once
Basque Government/European University of Valencia European University of Valencia Grants3772€ / once
European University of Valencia Professional Center at the European University of Valencia Scholarship2000€ / 10 months
European University of Valencia European University of Valencia Scholarship3000€ / 10 months
Autonomous Community of Catalonia Research Fellowships on Politically Autonomous Territories-Individual Research Works3000€ / once
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Funding for studying a year / a semester abroad

European Union Erasmus Mundus Action 2: Medastar1500€ / 10 months
European Union Erasmus Mundus Action 2: Mare Nostrum1500€ / 10 months
University of Alcalá Scholarships for US Universities - Master885€ / 24 months
University of Alcalá Scholarships for US Universities - Bachelorns / once
Autonomous Community of Extremadura Traineeship Grants for Research and Development in Healthcare Planning, Training and Quality1290€ / 48 months
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Tips for financing your studies

The 10 Biggest Misconceptions about Scholarships

Change your view on scholarships
Only one in eight secondary school graduates with good grades apply for scholarships. This is because many have misconceptions about getting funding. Here are some of the common misconceptions.