Scholarships in Germany

Country: Germany

More information on scholarships in Germany

Scholarships in Germany

With low tuition fees, German universities attract not just students from wealthy backgrounds. Additionally, there are many institutions which provide financial aid to a big range of students. In a lot of cases, students can profit from scholarships which are not necessarily linked to an excellent merit or social engagement.

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List of recently added funding options

Funding for your studies in Germany

Avicienna Studienwerk Promovierendenförderung1€ / 24 months
Avicienna Studienwerk Studierendenförderung970€ / 72 months
Kopernikus e.V. Stipendienprogramm für Medizin- und Psychologiestudenten sowie -doktoranden200€ / 12 months
Dr. Gert Mauss-Stiftung “heureka!”-Stipendienns / ns
KAAD Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst Stipendienprogramm 2 ns / ns
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Funding for studying a year / a semester abroad

Hochschule Pforzheim Rotary Club Pforzheim: Stipendien für Auslandsaufenthalte500€ / 5 months
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt Hans-Wilhelm Renkhoff Stiftungns / ns
Botschaft von Japan in Deutschland Forschungsstipendium für alle Fachrichtungen1125€ / 18 months
Botschaft von Japan in Deutschland Sprachstipendium für Studierende1260€ / 12 months
BayIND BayIND-Indien-Stipendien des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten3€ / once
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Tips for financing your studies

The 10 Biggest Misconceptions about Scholarships

Change your view on scholarships
Only one in eight secondary school graduates with good grades apply for scholarships. This is because many have misconceptions about getting funding. Here are some of the common misconceptions.